
tetanus vaccination at home

what is tetanus?

Tetanus, also known as lockjaw, is a potentially life-threatening bacterial infection that attacks your nervous system. Caused by the Clostridium tetani bacterium, it triggers painful and prolonged muscle contractions, especially in the jaw and neck muscles, making it difficult to swallow, breathe, and move. While vaccination has made tetanus rare in many parts of the world, it remains a threat in areas with low vaccination rates. Don’t let a preventable illness like tetanus impact your life. Ensure you and your loved ones are up-to-date on tetanus vaccinations for complete protection.

what happens in the tetanus disease?

This bacterium releases a potent toxin that wreaks havoc on your nervous system, leading to a cascade of agonizing symptoms. Imagine your jaw muscles locking so tight you can’t swallow or even open your mouth. The rigidity then spreads, contorting your body in painful spasms, affecting even your breathing. In severe cases, it can even lead to death.

what are causes of tetanus?

Clostridium tetani, spores of the bacteria that cause tetanus, can be found in the soil, dust and animal feces. Upon entering a deep flesh wound, the tetanus spores grow into bacteria. This may produce a potent toxin known as tetanospasmin and can impair the nerves that control your muscles. Tetanospasmin can also cause muscle stiffness and spasms.

Tetanus cases are usually found in people who have never taken the tetanus vaccination or adults who have not kept up with their tetanus vaccine shots. Tetanus is not contagious.

risks in contracting tetanus

The risk for contracting tetanus increases if there are:

  • Puncture wounds, such as stepping on a nail, allow bacteria direct access to deeper tissues, increasing tetanus risk.
  • Gunshot wounds provide a deep, oxygen-poor environment conducive to the growth of tetanus-causing bacteria.
  • Compound fractures expose bone and deep tissue to the environment, creating an entry point for tetanus bacteria.
  • Burns damage the skin’s protective barrier, making it easier for tetanus bacteria to enter and infect the body.
  • Surgical wounds create openings in the skin, potentially introducing tetanus bacteria during or after the procedure.
  • Injection drug use involves breaking the skin barrier, risking tetanus infection through contaminated needles or substances.
  • Animal or insect bites can transmit tetanus bacteria, especially if the wound is deep or not properly cleaned.
  • Infected foot ulcers, often in individuals with diabetes, can become gateways for tetanus bacteria due to poor circulation.
  • Dental infections may serve as reservoirs for tetanus bacteria, spreading to other parts of the body through the bloodstream.
  • Infected umbilical stumps, particularly in newborns in environments with poor hygiene, can be entry points for tetanus bacteria.

tetanus symptoms

You may start seeing these signs and symptoms of tetanus after the tetanus bacteria enters your body through a wound. These signs can appear anywhere between a few days to several weeks. The average incubation period for tetanus is 7 to 10 days. Some of the common symptoms of Tetanus are:

  • Spasms or stiffness in the jaw, often called “lockjaw,” make opening the mouth or swallowing very difficult and painful.
  • Neck muscle stiffness can lead to difficulty turning the head, swallowing, and may cause general discomfort or pain.
  • Difficulty swallowing, resulting from muscle stiffness in the throat and neck, can lead to drooling and nutritional problems.
  • Stiffness of the abdominal muscles can cause severe abdominal pain, making it hard to move, bend, or breathe deeply.
  • Painful body spasms, triggered by minor stimuli like light or noise, can cause intense pain and muscle contractions lasting minutes.
  • Fever in tetanus cases, though not always high, indicates the body’s response to infection, contributing to overall discomfort.
  • Sweating excessively, even without physical exertion, can occur as the body’s temperature regulation is affected by tetanus toxin.
  • Elevated blood pressure may result from the body’s stress response to tetanus toxin, affecting cardiovascular health.
  • Rapid heart rate accompanies tetanus as the nervous system reacts to the toxin, potentially leading to cardiac stress.

tetanus treatment

There is no cure for tetanus. The only way to prevent the tetanus disease is to take the tetanus vaccination and to keep up with the tetanus shots according to the tetanus vaccine schedule.

After receiving an injury, as part of the tetanus treatment, it is recommended to take a tetanus shot if the patient does not remember when was the last time they took a tetanus injection.

Tetanus treatment may also consist of:


Clean the wound thoroughly to prevent growth of tetanus spores. Remove any dirt, foreign objects and dead tissue.


The doctor can give you a tetanus antitoxin, such as tetanus immune globulin.

To fight the tetanus bacteria, the doctor may give you antibiotics, either orally or by injection.

Powerful sedatives may be required to control muscle spasms.

Other drugs. To regulate involuntary muscle activity other medications, such as magnesium sulfate and certain beta blockers may be given. Morphine might be used for this purpose as well as sedation.

In case there is a minor wound, follow these steps to help prevent tetanus:

Control bleeding – Apply direct pressure

Keep the wound clean – Clean the wound thoroughly to get rid of any foreign matter

Use an antibiotic – To deal with the pain

Cover the wound – Keep the wound covered to prevent any foreign matter from settling in

Change the dressing – If you can’t see a doctor immediately, change the dressing yourself to ensure the wound remains clean.

tetanus prevention

While it’s true that treating tetanus can be complex and require intensive care, the best approach is prevention through vaccination. Here’s how to shield yourself and your loved ones:


Ensure they receive the recommended tetanus-containing vaccines as part of their routine childhood immunization schedule. These typically include DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis) at specific ages.


Remember, tetanus protection doesn’t last forever. Adults need booster shots every 10 years to maintain immunity. Track your vaccination history and consult a healthcare professional if unsure about your tetanus status. Even minor wounds can carry a tetanus risk, so prioritize vaccination regardless of age or lifestyle.

tetanus vaccination

The tetanus vaccine, also known as tetanus toxoid (TT), is your hero, offering safe and effective protection. This inactive vaccine mimics the tetanus bacterium but lacks its harmful toxin, triggering your immune system to build powerful defenses.



  • The tetanus vaccine schedule for children includes receiving a tetanus shot in 4 stages before 2 years of age.
  • After that, they need to take the tetanus toxoid at 4 to 6 years age. At 11 to 12 years of age, another tetanus shot is recommended.


  • For adults, taking tetanus toxoid is recommended every 10 years of adulthood.
  • The tetanus injection is also given to women in their second half of their pregnancy whether they have received the tetanus injection as part of the vaccination or not. 
  • This is done as part of tetanus treatment to prevent neonatal tetanus.

tetanus injection side effects

The side effects of the tetanus injection include:

  • Mild fever post-tetanus injection indicates the body’s immune response to the vaccine, typically resolving within a few days.
  • Joint pain can occur as an immune response, causing discomfort in knees, elbows, or other joints, usually temporary.
  • Muscle aches following the tetanus injection are common, reflecting the body’s natural reaction to the vaccine components.
  • Nausea, though less common, can be experienced by some individuals as a side effect of the tetanus vaccine.
  • Tiredness or fatigue after receiving the tetanus shot is a normal sign of the body’s immune system at work.
  • Pain at the injection site is a frequent side effect, resulting from the needle entering the skin and muscle.
  • Itching at the injection site might occur as part of an allergic reaction to components of the vaccine, generally mild.
  • Swelling around the injection area is a common immune response, indicating the body’s process of building protection.
  • Redness at the injection site is typical, showing the body’s localized inflammatory response to the vaccine.

tetanus injection duration

The tetanus injection duration for TT is 5 years. If you are worried about the tetanus injection validity, then it is safer to get a booster dose than get tetanus. It is recommended to take a TT booster every 10 years.

how can we help?

If you have a young child who has not received their tetanus vaccination or are worried that the tetanus injection validity might be up for you, give us a call. At Portea, we understand that there should be no compromises when it comes to healthcare. You can get a tetanus shot at home with Portea. Book tetanus shot appointment with us. We send our best medical experts to your home to take care of and your young ones.

With Portea, you’re not just getting the best price of tetanus Vaccination at home, you’re gaining a partner in your journey to recovery and well-being. We also offer a range of superior healthcare services, including doctor consultations, medical equipment, nursing care, physiotherapy, diagnostics and dedicated trained attendants. Rely on us for top-tier healthcare solutions tailored to your requirements.

tetanus vaccination near me

With the availability of tetanus injection at home, you no longer need to stress yourself about visiting a clinic or hospital and aggravating the injury. Just Google TT vaccine near me or tetanus injection at home near me and make an appointment with Portea. 




How long does tetanus vaccine last?

The tetanus vaccine’s protection lasts about 10 years. After this period, booster shots are recommended to maintain immunity against tetanus. Adults should receive a tetanus booster every 10 years to stay protected.

How many tetanus vaccines should I take?

The initial tetanus vaccine series consists of five doses, typically given in childhood as part of the DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) vaccine schedule. Adults should receive a tetanus booster shot (Tdap or Td) every 10 years, or as advised by a healthcare provider, especially after an injury that could lead to tetanus infection.

Is it necessary to get a tetanus shot?

Yes, it is necessary to get a tetanus shot. Tetanus is a serious, potentially fatal disease caused by a bacterial toxin that affects the nervous system. Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent tetanus. The initial vaccination series during childhood and booster shots every 10 years ensure continued immunity against the tetanus bacterium. Additionally, in case of a wound or injury, especially if it’s deep or contaminated, a tetanus booster may be recommended if more than 5 years have passed since the last dose.

Are tetanus shots safe?

Yes, tetanus shots are generally safe and well-tolerated. Common side effects include mild pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site, but serious reactions are rare. The benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks of side effects. You can get tt injection at home from Portea

What cities offer tetanus vaccination services directly to your home?

You can have the tetanus vaccine at home in Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad and across other leading tier 1 and tier 2 cities. Access tetanus vaccination services at home through Portea Medical Equipment by searching online for “TT injection near me,”or “tetanus injection near me,” and have the vaccine administered at your home

Patient Testimonials


Priya Pathak

When all my neighbours were being infected with Typhoid, I realized it’s high time to get vaccinated. I opted for Typhoid vaccine for both me and my husband from Portea and the experience wa....

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Maria George

I availed cervical cancer vaccine for my 14 years daughter. A trained nurse came to our home for the vaccination.