
runner knee

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definition of runner’s knee

According to the medical definition, runner’s knee is an overuse condition of the anterior knee causing pain due to excessive lateral movement of patella during any activity.

what is runner’s knee?

Runner’s knee is the general term used to refer to the varied conditions that can lead to pain in the patella or knee cap. But don’t be misdirected by its name as it is not only limited to runners and is not a specific injury. The various conditions associated with knee cap are anterior knee pain syndrome, patellofemoral malalignment, chondromalacia patella and iliotibial band syndrome. Although runner’s knee are mainly found in runners, but people involved in any other activity that causes repeated stress to the knee are also susceptible to runner’s knee.

runner’s knee symptoms

The most noticeable runner’s knee symptom is pain felt in the knee region. The other runner’s knee symptoms are;

  • Pain in front of the kneecap and the surrounding areas
  • Pain in the knee at the time of bending, walking, kneeling or squatting
  • Difficulty in climbing downstairs or walking downhill
  • Popping or grinding in the knee
  • Swelling of the knees

runner’s knee causes

Runner’s knee pain can originate due to irritation of the lining of the knee or soft tissues, wearing and tearing of the cartilage and strained tendons and the various runner’s knee causes resulting in the damage of the knee are;

  • Overuse
  • Kneecap trauma or direct blow to the knee
  • Full or partial dislocation of the knee
  • Flat feet
  • Tight or weak muscles leading to less support to the knee
  • Not warming up before exercise, running or playing
  • Fracture in the kneecap
  • Arthritis
  • Plica syndrome

runner’s knee diagnosis

The varied runner’s knee diagnosis tools used for confirming runner’s knee are physical examination, blood tests, X – ray, MRI scan and CT scan.

runner’s knee treatment at home

The first step in runner’s knee treatment at home is the application of RICE treatment which is; Rest, Ice, Compression and elevation. This essentially means getting off your feet and taking rest and while resting keep your feet elevated, then use an ice pack for 30 minutes to reduce the swelling and finally wrap the knee using an elastic bandage to restrict swelling but not so tightly that it restricts blood flow.

Besides that some other runner’s knee remedies include topical application of pain relieving ointment, practising runner’s knee exercises as suggested by a physiotherapist. Wearing the right kind of footwear, especially those who wear high heeled sandal should refrain from continuous use of such footwear.

 runner’s knee treatment

The basic course of runner’s knee treatment is pretty simple as the runner’s knee treatment usually includes medication and if that doesn’t help then there are injections and runner’s knee physical therapy along with surgery. Usually, surgery is not required in the runner’s knee treatment and surgical procedures if offered are very rare in runner’s knee treatment.

Medication: Medication is one of the first runner’s knee remedies prescribed by a doctor. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics are the typical medications used in the runner’s knee treatment.

  • Injections:   steroid injections are given to the knee when medication does not bring runner’s knee relief and the pain persists.
  • Runner’s knee physical therapy: Runner’s knee physical therapy also known as runner’s knee physiotherapy, occupy an integral place in the treatment of runner’s knee. Physiotherapists suggest specifically designed runner’s knee exercises to help in stretching and strengthening the knee, thereby not only helping in eliminating the pain but also increasing the mobility and flexibility of the knee. Even doctor’s hold high regard for runner’s knee physiotherapy, owing to the positive results facilitated by it.  Runner’s knee physiotherapy is also required for post-surgical rehabilitation.
  • Surgery – Surgery is never really needed in the treatment of runner’s knee and conservative treatments prove an effective cure for runner’s knee. If surgery is advised it is due to the severity of the case but is still extremely rare. Some of the surgical options available are arthroscopy and lateral release.

how can we help?

Runner’s knee is a pretty debilitating condition with pain experienced in moving around and as such for such patient’s runner’s knee treatment at home is best suited. Portea is highly regarded at home healthcare service provider and has an efficient team of health care professionals offering an effective cure for runner’s knee through runner’s knee physical therapy and other conservative treatments. So if you are looking for runner’s knee treatments at home do give us a call and experience our world-class care and medical services.

Meet Our Renowned Physiotherapists

Dr. A Franklin Rajkumar – BPT – 10 years Experience

Dr.L Swarna Harini-MPT/BPT – 6years Experience

Dr. Ramya Deepika.C.C -MPT -7 years Experience.

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The physiotherapist behaved professionally and the service was good. Call center executives were also good at addressing my concerns Thank you Santosh You have honestly done your job here. I....

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