
antenatal profile

Home Pickup

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package definition

Antenatal Profile Comprehensive is performed in pregnant females to determine if the mother has any disease conditions that may interfere with normal development of the fetus and thus helping in identification of factors requiring special care.

  • Random Blood Sugar (RBS)
  • Blood Group & Rh Typing
  • HIV (I & II)-Human immunodeficiency virus Screening
  • CBC (12) - Hb, WBC count, Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Eosinophils, basophils, RBC count, Hematocrit, MCV, MCH, Platelet count
  • VDRL - Venereal disease research laboratory (RPR)
  • Routine urine analysis (14) - (colour, appearance, SG, Glucose, Protein, Blood, Bilirubin, Urobilinogen, nitrite, Pus Cells, Epithelial Cells, RBC, Crystals, Creatinine)

why get tested

to determine if the mother has any disease conditions that may interfere with normal development of the fetus

how this package helps?

Antenatal Profile Comprehensive is performed in pregnant females to determine if the mother has any disease conditions that may interfere with normal development of the fetus and thus helping in identification of factors requiring special care.

sample required?

