
vitamin b1 lab test

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clinical definition of thiamine

Thiamine is an essential nutrient that all our tissues require to function properly. Vitamin b1 or thiamine is water soluble and can be found in foods, multivitamins, and individual supplements. The body needs thiamine to make adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Vitamin b1 function involves transporting energy within cells. Sources of vitamin b1 are plenty and include beef, liver, dried berries, legumes, peas, and yeast. Fortified food also is a great source of vitamin B1.


Thiamine is an essential nutrient that all our tissues require to function properly. Vitamin b1 or thiamine is water soluble and can be found in foods, multivitamins, and individual supplements. The body needs thiamine to make adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Vitamin b1 function involves transporting energy within cells. Sources of vitamin b1 are plenty and include beef, liver, dried berries, legumes, peas, and yeast. Fortified food also is a great source of vitamin B1.

what is vitamin b1?

It is a vitamin which is required by the body to store and transport energy to all the cells of the body. It is a colourless organosulphur compound which is absorbed by the body in the upper, small intestine. Vitamin b1 deficiency causes nervous system, heart, and brain damage.

what is a vitamin b1 thiamine?

A vitamin B1 test is a blood test to identify if there is a deficiency in the vitamin which can lead to Beri Beri and other illnesses.

why do i need vitamin b1 thiamine test?

Vitamin b1 lab test is required to check if you are suffering from any deficiency which can cause serious illness. A chronic and severe Vitamin b1 deficiency leads to Beri Beri which affects the heart and circulatory system. In some cases, this can be life-threatening.

Here are the vitamin b1 deficiency symptoms to watch out for 

1. Loss of appetite

2. Fatigue

3. Irritability

4. Reduced reflexes

5. Tingling sensation in the arms and legs

6. Muscle weakness

7. Blurry vision

8. Nausea and vomiting

9. Change in heart rate

10. Shortness of breath

11. Delirium

what other tests might i have along with vitamin b1 test?

The doctor will recommend any other tests required such as an X-Ray scan or another round of blood tests depending on the diagnosis

what do my test results mean?

The results of the test are obtained with 24-36 hours. For an adult vitamin b1 normal range is between 2.5 -7.5 μg/dL. The test results will be diagnosed by the doctor to see if there is a deficiency in vitamin b1. Usually, anything less than the normal range indicates a deficiency. Vitamin b1 benefits include promoting energy production, protecting nerves, preventing heart diseases, promote digestion and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

how is vitamin b1 test done?

A blood sample is obtained through venipuncture in the arm. The sample is then sent to the lab for further evaluation.

does vitamin b1 test pose any risk?

There is minimal risk associated with taking a vitamin b1 blood test. They include slight dizziness, pain, nausea, and bleeding.

what might affect my test results?

Thiamine deficiency is rare in adults who are healthy, but some of the risk factors that may affect are:

  • Alcoholism
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Anorexia
  • People who have undergone dialysis
  • Individuals who take digoxin or phenytoin
  • Old age


Vitamin b1 deficiency treatment involves taking thiamine injections or supplements which are generally recommended by the doctor. Depending on the diagnosis the doctor will also recommend a vitamin b1 rich diet which includes poultry, soybeans, whole grain cereals which are all rich source of the vitamin.

sample required

Specimen type: Serum (blood sample)

Specimen collection procedure: Venipuncture where blood is collected from the veins of the arm.

how do i prepare for vitamin b1 test?

Vitamin b1 blood test does not require any special preparations to be made. But you must inform your doctor of any over the counter medications you are taking, herbal supplements, any allergies you have or any drugs you may have time. Fasting is not required before the test.


Vitamin b1 test is conducted in most hospitals and clinics and is inexpensive. If you have one or more of the above-mentioned symptoms, then it is advisable to get yourself checked for vitamin b1 deficiency diseases.