
hemoglobin (hb) Test

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

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clinical definition of hemoglobin (hb)

Haemoglobin is the protein molecule in red blood cells that helps transport oxygen throughout the body. It contains 2 alpha globulin chains and 2 beta globulin chains. It is a predominant feature in maintaining the shape of the red blood cells. Abnormal haemoglobin compositions distort the shape of red blood cells destroying its process and task and its flow through blood vessels.

A haemoglobin test analyses haemoglobin quantities found in red blood cells in a blood sample which is a sign of the bloods ability to deliver oxygen to the body and to transport the carbon dioxide to the lungs, where it is exhaled. Haemoglobin levels increase when the rbc count increases.Hemoglobin levels drop to less than normal indicating anemia when the body decreases its production of red blood cells.

when do you expect results?

24 to 36 Hours

why get tested?

Hemoglobin test is ordered as a part of CBC count for general health assesments and to evaluate and monitor the severity of anemia or polycythemia.

reason to take hemoglobin (hb) test

General symptoms to watch out for include: 

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Decreased appetite
  • Dizziness
  • Depression
  • Weakness
  • Shortness of Breath
  • General malaise
  • Chest pain
  • Brittle nails
  • Nails, pale skin and gums
  • Cold feet and hands

preparations needed for hemoglobin (hb) test

Preparatory instructions before the test *:

No Fasting Required.
No other special preparations required.

sample required?

Specimen type: EDTA (Blood Sample)

Specimen collection procedure: Venipuncture - Collection of blood from a vein, usually from the arm.

Understanding results ofHemoglobin (Hb)

Reference RangeInterpretation
Day 1 - Day 214.0 - 22.0 g/dl
6 Years 1 month - 12 Years11.5 - 15.5 g/dl
Day 7 - Day 1313.5 - 21.5 g/dl
Male13.5 – 17.5
Female12 – 15.6
Hemoglobin, free, urineAbsent
2 Years - 6 Years11.0 - 14.0 g/dl
Adolescent Female12 - 16 g/dl
6.5 months - 1 Yr. 11 months11.1 - 14.1 g/dl
Day 14 - Day 2912.5 - 20.5 g/dl
Adolescent Male13 - 16 g/dl
2months - 2.5 months9.4 - 13.0 g/dl
Day 3 - Day 615.0 - 21.0 g/dl
1month - 1.5 months11.5 - 16.5 g/dl
3 months - 6 months11.1 - 14.1 g/dl
Hemoglobin, Plasma10 – 40 mg/l

“*A reference range is a set of values which helps he healthcare professional to interpret a medical test. It may vary with age, gender, and other factors. Reference ranfes may also vary between labs, in value and units depending on instruments used and method of establishement of reference ranges’’