
brucella antibody titer Test

Brucella antibody titer

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clinical definition of brucella antibody titer

Brucellosis is a disease caused by species of the bacteria brucella which is highly contagious. It affects animals including goats, sheep, camels, pigs, elk, deer, cattle and dogs. It is caused by the ingestion of unsterilized milk, cheese or meat from infected animals; close contact with their secretions; from human to human through sexual contact or from mother to child.

It is frequently seen that people working in jobs requiring frequent contact with animals or meat such as slaughterhouse workers, farmers, and veterinarians are at a higher risk.

when do you expect results?

24 to 36 Hours

why get tested?

The brucella test diagnosis antibodies against the bacteria Brucella for a suspected case of the disease.


reason to take brucella antibody titer test

Symptoms for brucellosis could be general flu like signs or some others like

  • Weakness
  • Anemia
  • Headaches 
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Swollen glands 
  • Depression 
  • Abdominal pain
  • Back pain 
  • Profuse 
  • Sweating
  • Severe joint and muscle pain. 
  • Chills
  • Fatigue 
  • Inconstant Undulant fevers (up and down in fever)

preparations needed for brucella antibody titer test

Preparatory instructions before the test *:

  • No Fasting Required.
  • No other special preparations required.

sample required?

Specimen type: Serum (Blood Sample)

Specimen collection procedure: Venipuncture (Collection of blood from a vein, usually from the arm)"

Understanding results ofBrucella antibody titer

Reference RangeInterpretation

Inference: If the test detects antibodies, there is a likeliness of brucellosis infection.

‘*A Reference range is a set of values which helps the healthcare professional to interpret a medical test. It may vary with age, gender, and other factors. Reference ranges may also vary between labs, in value & units depending on instruments used and method of establishment of reference ranges’