
24-hour urinary protein Test

Total Protein- Urine, Urine Protein to Creatinine Ratio (UPCR)

Home Pickup

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clinical definition of 24-hour urinary protein

Proteins are the "building blocks" of the body. When the kidneys are healthy, no proteins pass into the urine. However, if the kidneys become diseased or damaged, the proteins may appear in the urine.

Hence the urine protein test may be used to screen for kidney disease, to monitor kidney function in those already diagnosed with a kidney disease or those who are taking medications that can affect the kidneys.

when do you expect results?

24 to 36 Hours

why get tested?

A 24-hour urine protein measures the total amount of protein excreted in urine collected over a 24-hour period. Sometimes, in order to avoid the inconvenience and possible inaccuracy of a 24-hour urine collection, the protein-to-creatinine ratio may be done instead.

Protein-Creatinine Ratio (PCR) - The concentration of protein in the urine is compared to the creatinine level in a spot urine sample. It may be used to monitor persistent proteinuria i.e. presence of an excess of serum proteins in the urine. The protein in the urine often causes the urine to become foamy.

reason to take 24-hour urinary protein test

Symptoms of a kidney related disorder

  • Poor appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Lack of concentration
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Swelling or puffiness especially around the eyes or in the face, ankles, hands, feet
  • abdomen wrists, abdomen and thighs
  • Foamy, bloody, or dark-colored Urine
  • Reduced urine output or change in the frequency of urination
  • Discomfort during urination (burning sensation)
  • Mid-back pain
  • Pain below the ribs (location of the kidneys)
  • High blood pressure

preparations needed for 24-hour urinary protein test

Preparatory instructions before the test * No special preparations required.

sample required?

Specimen type: UrineSpecimen collection procedure 24-hour urine sample
Care must be taken to clean the genitals well before collection.

Follow these steps to get the sample

  • Day 1- The first morning urine sample on Day 1 must not be collected i.e. bladder must be emptied for the first time.
  • Note down the exact time of discarding the 1st urine sample.
  • All urine for the next 24 hours should be collected in the special container provided.
  • Day 2- collect the first morning urine of Day 2 into the same container, at the same time or within 10 minutes as that noted on the morning of Day 1.
  • Cap the container. Keep it in the refrigerator or a cool place during the collection period.

Understanding results of24-Hour Urinary Protein

Reference RangeInterpretation
10-140 mg/dL(24 hours)Normal

‘*A Reference range is a set of values which helps the healthcare professional to interpret a medical test. It may vary with age, gender, and other factors. Reference ranges may also vary between labs, in value & units depending on instruments used and method of establishment of reference ranges’